
Daniel Hale

Daniel Hale is a former Air Force and NSA intelligence analyst who served nearly four years in prison for passing classified U.S. military documents to reporters at The Intercept. In 2015, The Intercept published The Drone Papers, giving the public an unvarnished window into the incredibly secretive U.S. remote assassination program, including how it selects targets to kill and how the government “masks the true number of civilians killed in drone strikes by categorizing unidentified people killed in a strike as enemies, even if they were not the intended targets.”

  • Daniel Hale to receive the inaugural Ellsberg Whistleblower Award
    The first to receive the International Ellsberg Whistleblower Award will be Courage Foundation beneficiary Daniel Hale, former Air Force and NSA intelligence analyst who revealed the clandestine drone assassination program of the Obama administration.
  • Daniel Hale is out of prison!
    Drone whistleblower Daniel Hale was finally released from prison last month, having served 33 of the 45 months he was sentenced, most of which was spent in the incredibly restrictive Communications Management Unit at F.C. Marion.
  • Daniel Hale Update
    Hale is serving out his 45-month sentence for revealing the clandestine drone assassination program. He is held in a Communications Management Unit. His release date is 5 July 2024.
  • Sign petitions calling for Daniel Hale’s freedom
    Click these images to sign petitions from CodePink and Defending Rights & Dissent, calling on the Biden administration to free whistleblower Daniel Hale.
  • Daniel Hale is Courage’s newest beneficiary
    Hale is a former Air Force and NSA intelligence analyst who is serving nearly a four-year prison sentence for passing classified U.S. military documents to reporters at The Intercept.
  • One Year in a Cage: Letter Writing Night for Daniel Hale, May 10
    As we approach one year of Daniel Hale’s incarceration, his support team invites you to a night of reflection and solidarity on Tuesday, May 10
  • Daniel Hale sentenced to 45 months in prison
    Whistleblower Daniel Hale was sentenced to 45 months in federal prison today, for disclosing government documents on the U.S. military’s drone program to a journalist. The sentence—three years and nine months—includes his time served during court proceedings and will be followed by three years of supervised release. 
  • Whistleblower Daniel Hale Sentencing Hearing: July 27th
    The sentencing hearing for whistleblower and former Air Force intelligence analyst Daniel Hale is scheduled for July 27th at 9am in Alexandria, VA. In 2014, Hale disclosed documents to The Intercept’s Jeremy Scahill, exposing the inner workings of the U.S. military’s secret drone assassination program.
  • Daniel Hale explains his motives ahead of sentencing
    Daniel Hale, formerly with the U.S. Air Force and then with the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency, blew the whistle on the United States’ drone assassination program, providing documentary evidence that the U.S. was killing civilians in Afghanistan whom it posthumously claimed were combatants.  Charged with five counts under the Espionage Act and facing 50 years in… Read more: Daniel Hale explains his motives ahead of sentencing
  • Facing 50 Years in Prison, Whistleblower Daniel Hale Pleads Guilty
    Hale disclosed documents shedding new light on the U.S.’s secret remote assassination program, including how the Obama administration decided who to place on its “kill lists,” internal criticisms of the program, and accounts of civilian casualties.
  • Drone whistleblower documents give new details on US assassinations
    The unnamed source disclosed documents detailing the Obama Administration’s drone assassination programme, the Intercept reveals in an eight-part series