Those courageous few who risk life or liberty to expose a government or corporation’s wrongdoing, abuse, or corruption.
Courage was founded in early 2014, in the wake of the trial and unprecedented sentencing of U.S. Army whistleblower Chelsea Manning and the exposures and escape of NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden. We wanted to support these incredibly courageous individuals, correct any public misconceptions or falsehoods about them and their motivations, and to create support networks to both help them individually and publicize the issues they sought to expose.
We also wanted to show the next Snowden or Manning that support would be waiting for them, should they decide to come forward.
Read more about us, our current campaigns, and see an archive of our past campaigns.
Trump’s re-election and the war on journalismDonald Trump is poised to return to the White House, and press freedom groups are sounding the alarm about what his election means for the state of journalism. Courage joins these groups in standing up for truthtellers, for journalists’ right to publish, and for your right to know, regardless of which party is in power.
Fishrot FilesOn 12 November 2019 and 26 November 2019 WikiLeaks published batches of tens of thousands of documents it obtained from Mr. Jóhannes Stefánsson, a whistleblower within SAMHERJI, a multinational fishing company based in Iceland. They expose corrupt schemes by the company in Namibia to gain access to rich fishing grounds off the African country’s shores.… Read more: Fishrot Files
PEN releases whistleblower protection reportThe group of authors and writers condemns the US government’s failure to properly protect national security whistleblowers and how that failure undermines critical journalism
UN Rapporteur calls for whistleblower and source protections in new reportUN’s David Kaye says whistleblowers and other sources “deserve the strongest protection in law and in practice” in a new report
Drone whistleblower documents give new details on US assassinationsThe unnamed source disclosed documents detailing the Obama Administration’s drone assassination programme, the Intercept reveals in an eight-part series
Thomas Drake, fellow whistleblowers sue NSA, DOJ, FBIThe whistleblowers claim rampant violations of their civil liberties and constitutional rights as retaliation for speaking out about government fraud and abuse
Save William McNeilly, Trident whistleblowerThe Courage Foundation has opened an emergency fund for Trident whistleblower William McNeilly’s defence costs.
It’s who you are that mattersWhat the David Petraeus plea deal tells us about Espionage Act prosecutions
Government rejects Thomas Drake’s retaliation claimsMcClatchy reports that the government has condoned the treatment of NSA whistleblower Thomas Drake, who had his life ruined after he revealed information about warrantless wiretapping
German government plans source prosecution as Greens push new whistleblower protection lawReports about an impending German source prosecution show the country is pulling in opposite directions on whistleblower protection
Whistleblower protection case reaches US Supreme CourtA fired air marshal challenges his removal on the grounds that he disclosed sensitive information in the interest of public safety; a Supreme Court ruling could protect whistleblowers across the board (Updated with ruling)
Germany’s whistleblower protection among the worst in the G20, says new reportBlueprint for Free Speech’s report ranks Germany’s whistleblower laws alongside Indonesia, Russia and Saudi Arabia
Why the world needs more whistleblowersCourage advisory board member Sana Saleem explains why truthtellers are vital, as part of our collaboration with the EFF’s Necessary and Appropriate Principles week of action
Obama: “If you blow the whistle, you should be thanked”President Obama says whistleblowers should be “protected”, “thanked”, and “certainly shouldn’t be punished” – while punishing more whistleblowers than any other president in American history
Yochai Benkler outlines public accountability defence for whistleblowersIn a new paper, Benkler details both the value and inevitability of national security disclosures, and he proposes a whistleblower defence that could have helped protect Chelsea Manning and Edward Snowden
British MPs say “whistleblowing is crucial” but fail to protect intelligence whistleblowersA UK parliamentary committee says whistleblowers are a “crucial source of intelligence to help government identify wrongdoing” but fails to mention one significant category altogether – intelligence whistleblowers
New reports shed light on surveillance’s chilling effectsHuman Rights Watch and the American Civil Liberties Union publish a report detailing the damage that US surveillance causes to American democracy, the latest in a string of similar reports
US government claims to be investigating new whistleblower while leaking to APThe US government says a new leaker gave information to the Intercept, but government officials disclosed that same information to the AP to spoil a scoop
Swiss banking’s whistleblowers: the regulators of last resortPressure is growing on Switzerland to crack down on tax avoidance, but whistleblowers from the banking industry remain fiercely persecuted
CIA spying on its own “internal channels” for whistleblowersMcClatchy reports that the CIA is treating internal channels as insider threats
Privacy and whistleblower groups mark one year of NSA revelationsTo mark the one-year anniversary of NSA revelations, several privacy and whistleblower groups have taken a look back at what we’ve learned since Edward Snowden blew the whistle on mass surveillance
Video: Daniel Ellsberg defends Edward Snowden from John KerryPentagon Papers-whistleblower Daniel Ellsberg defended Edward Snowden from the Defense Secretary’s claim that he’s “cowardly” for not returning to the United States.
US ‘Free Flow of Information Act’ targets whistleblowers and independent journalistsThe new FFIA bill delegitimises whistleblowers and independent journalists, in a move towards state-sanctioned journalism.
Courage supports whistleblowersFind out more about the Courage Foundation and what we stand for
US government issues new silencing policy for leaksThe Obama administration is attempting to silence government employees, past and present, from publicly discussing information released by whistleblowers.