

  • Trump’s re-election and the war on journalism
    Donald Trump is poised to return to the White House, and press freedom groups are sounding the alarm about what his election means for the state of journalism. Courage joins these groups in standing up for truthtellers, for journalists’ right to publish, and for your right to know, regardless of which party is in power.
  • Fishrot Files
    On 12 November 2019 and 26 November 2019 WikiLeaks published batches of tens of thousands of documents it obtained from Mr. Jóhannes Stefánsson, a whistleblower within SAMHERJI, a multinational fishing company based in Iceland. They expose corrupt schemes by the company in Namibia to gain access to rich fishing grounds off the African country’s shores.… Read more: Fishrot Files
  • PEN releases whistleblower protection report
    The group of authors and writers condemns the US government’s failure to properly protect national security whistleblowers and how that failure undermines critical journalism
  • UN Rapporteur calls for whistleblower and source protections in new report
    UN’s David Kaye says whistleblowers and other sources “deserve the strongest protection in law and in practice” in a new report
  • Drone whistleblower documents give new details on US assassinations
    The unnamed source disclosed documents detailing the Obama Administration’s drone assassination programme, the Intercept reveals in an eight-part series
  • Thomas Drake, fellow whistleblowers sue NSA, DOJ, FBI
    The whistleblowers claim rampant violations of their civil liberties and constitutional rights as retaliation for speaking out about government fraud and abuse

