Chelsea Manning News

Throw a party to support Chelsea Manning’s appeal!

Courage can help you host a party to raise funds for Chelsea Manning’s vital legal appeal; TransCyberian’s first party in Berlin on 16 June will feature live music and crypto workshops, with proceeds going to Chelsea’s fund

Chelsea Manning is free and all over the news, gracing the cover of The New York Times Magazine, appearing on ABC News, and getting tons of love on Twitter and Instagram. Amid all of this fantastic new press, it’s easy to forget that her legal battle is not over. Chelsea is appealing her conviction — Obama’s commutation cut her sentence to time served but left her felony record intact — and her case remains incredibly important, for Chelsea personally but also for the US at large: her appeal, with supporting briefs from ACLU and Amnesty International, is challenging the disastrous, over-broad Espionage Act, which the Trump Administration is already using against Reality Winner.

To take this huge case on, Chelsea needs our help. A cohort of supportive NGOs have joined us to kickstart Chelsea’s legal appeal fundraiser. Now we want to boost that with a surge of crowdsourced donations. A great way to raise some funds, get together with fellow supporters, and spread the word about Chelsea’s appeal is to throw a party in Chelsea’s honour.

TransCyberian is a Paris party series combining noise music and crypto/hacker culture. TransCyberian will now happen in Berlin for the first time will host privacy workshops, live music, and DJ sets at the hacker space C-base in Berlin, and they’re generously donating all proceeds of this first event to Chelsea Manning’s legal fund. Diani Barreto, a Courage staffer in Berlin, will give an update on Chelsea’s case. See more information about the event here.

Throw your own party, or if you’ve already got something planned, as TransCyberian did, you can dedicate it to Chelsea. You could have pizza and champagne, in tribute to Chelsea’s first Instagram photos out of prison. You can have speakers and workshops that examine Chelsea’s case and related issues, or you can host a musical performance and collect contributions at the door — however you do it, the donation and effort will be greatly appreciated.

Courage can help! If it’s logistically feasible, if you’re near London, Berlin or New York, we’re happy to send a Courage representative to your party to speak about her appeal or pass out stickers and posters.

Get in touch with us to talk about a party near you, getting a Courage representative to your event, or anything else we can help with: